Royal Fashion Flunking. A Continuum of The Mornings After, November 5th, 2024. PG 2
All 5 remaining religions, ascribe to our communal, good-for-all, shared-valued system for survival; the base-core default all surviving communal beasts ascribed to. From there, each communal species worked out their socially accepted parameters. Here’s a glimpse to the parameters our species worked out ~ making us who we are today.
Do not lie, steal, cheat, do unto others as we’d want done unto us, be respectful, are what we instill in our kids, and hope to find in friends, neighbors, coworkers. Parameters, learned in preparation of qualifying for adulthood by the time it arrives. A mere birthdate, isn’t the qualifier. Trust, is then built from our given word and actions of who we say we are, and integrity becomes the overall summary of ~ who we really are. So from these most basic building blocks, trust and integrity became the pillars we build to define ourselves; the very pillars Democracy was erected upon. Such time-tested parameter standards, fit each member into the contributing whole ~ for our species to peacefully coexist. By the time we embark on adulthood, most of us have incurred the few lessons needed as to why, we want to commit our lives guided by what’s bundled-up as ~ common decent integrity. We learn that to trade it off, comes with gut punches and sleepless nights. Upon breaching our 30’s, most have worked thru who it is we want to be, and conclude that we won’t so we don’t, go thru life guided by anything less. Sure, some kids don’t have parents who actually parent so their learning of these foundational building blocks is slight and results in a low-caliber of integrity. Otherwise, adults either live guided by integrity ~ or don’t. How to spot a bad guy then, isn’t all that hard to do when a lack of integrity, is so very obvious.
Our majority, make the effort to qualify for our acceptable, societal parameters by adulthood. This most basic ~ common decency packet of standards, became the guiding beacon for all humanity, tugging us towards an evermore, peaceful existence. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here. Period. Next comes the 6000-year-old elitism lesson; now engrained enough to at least feel, why innate wariness must not be dismissed. Next, Democracy. The only ruling system that aligns with our shared-valued, survival-default. This foremost trio of guidepost lessons; presented in the most obvious, good vs evil contrast any mass could hope for, is what now-educated, freer-us, just flunked. Yep. Royal fashion is apt.
For 6000 years, divide to conquer became the card every need-driven egomaniac played simply cuz the very nature of any egomaniac, is driven by an insatiable need for evermore, self-glory power. Divide to conquer; via fear, merely became the easiest way to achieve that. A ploy so damn timeworn, it’s not newly-novel, so neither is Trump. In fact, Trump waved his own, divide to conquer red flags when: he vowed to be a dictator on day 1, and exact retribution on anyone who didn’t fall for his cape. When he vowed to exonerate his radicalized minions; and a’ course himself, for the insurrection he fomented over his big lie. When he assured the red camp they needn’t concern themselves with voting ever again: once they empower him yet again. All red flags; all atop our DNA survival-default and the 6000-year engrained wariness perk, narrows the scope right down to us. In the freer existing bargain, it is our responsibility to remain vigilantly wary, do our due-diligence, take what any contender spews out ~ seriously. Way too many of us, did not. This says a whole lot more about now-educated, freer-us, then any has-been egomaniac. So, is our new societal acceptance flex-plan, being afforded to everyone, or just the one member who never even bothered to bag the qualifiers for adulthood? Either way, we set a precedent that no peaceful society can afford for long before peaceful, no longer prefaces their society, and that is fact.
Dance Partners began with the subtitle—The Power Dance of Time; the parlay of 3 partners, for at least 6000 years: Gods, rulers, us ~ the great mass. The subtitle then became The Story of Our Times, once I realized it’s the great mass, who actually writes how their jig goes down. Choosing Trump to be thee representative of us, is what we chose to write in the annals of history to define who we are today, and what measure of grit, we now have.
Hijacking 101. A Continuum of ~ The Mornings After, November 5th, 2024. PG 3
Upon awakening, I smile at the new day rising, and what it holds for me. As cobwebs clear, what we have just done ~ descends; my rose-colored awakenings, snuffed out before I even roll out, now clouded by a screw-it mindset. I’ll spiff these 17 fledglings up alright, send ‘em off to editor/printer and finally, be done with this offering once and for all dangit! So I did. I tried. Made it all the way into Part II, then threw my hands in the air.
Realizing such rude awakenings had to be the new norm for many of us, I saw it was futile to think we could make the jump back to 15 years ago; where Our Story awaits, with mindsets gripped by our current, nightmare actuality. Today is New Years, 2025. I am still, struggling my way to bridge this jump. But of those first morning’s after, I saw where MSNBC went straight into ICU hemorrhaging, which means our blue camp brothers and sisters, went straight into shutdown mode; the last place we need to land and yes, brothers and sisters. We all have family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, firmly ensconced in the opposing camp of our own. As for our red camp kin, their elation will eventually subside once they accept that Trump, has no cape. And, their genuine Christians will need to eventually, reconcile with moving outside of the all-inclusive footsteps, Jesus left for us all to follow ~ including them. This leaves the rest of us, not yet accounted for.
Consensus-building is — Democracy. America’s, is comprised of approx 25%, diehard democrat/republicans respectively, leaving the 50% rest of us, either on the outer or inner constraints, of these just-2 camps. Luckily, our overwhelming bulk remains on the inner, pivotal, fence-perched lookout; including me, so if we must point a finger at who’s to blame for this nightmare, it’d be us. Well, nobody gets a crystal ball so nobody gets it right all the time and those who think they do, have bigger problems than the rest of us. Rather, our just-2 lead, has been historically viable because, they’ve had years to hone their platforms, years to cultivate the healthy, 25% red/blue measure. This provides the rest of us the clear, either/or contrast view to think hard on, while attending to our vigilantly wary, due-diligence responsibility. Why too many of us swung too far, is the real question as it encases the hard lessons ~ and hard truths, all of us must now and quickly, acknowledge, remember, or learn.
When any mass angst, rises enough to become an evident wave, it opens up a time is ripe, window of opportunity. Our 2010 recession provided us that opportunity but, we didn’t seize it. So when Trump hit stage-center in 2015, he merely hijacked it, and took it for a down-spiral spin. Trump, then provided us a 2nd chance wakeup call in 2020 which we didn’t flunk, and I thought yippie! We’ll muster up some grit now, move outta stalled and finally! Tug our Democracy up to its logical next, forward-ho step! But, something changed.
Communication, is everything to communal beasts cuz that’s how societal parameters get altered for survival. In that, comes choice-selecting which, for the one beast armed with emotions and consciously-realized awareness ~ how we tick, and how we survive, gets real complex! But from the immeasurable value of comparison to our choice-selecting ways, we: gained the perk to develop wisdom, which brought about Democracy; which expanded across vast lands via communication, which realigned our species back to our millenniums perfected, true-to-center default, which is where wisdom stems from, and why part of our globe is now called ~ the free world! How’s that for a full-circle condensing! Well, that realignment was a real lifesaver for the inconsequential oxen; the commoner meant to survive ~ never thrive, thru 6000 years of class structure elitism. So with this 250 year old realignment now under our belt, it should’ve been a no-brainer to choose anyone but Trump, once he chose to run the divide to conquer ploy: an auto-disqualifier, within any Democracy.
History, provides a huge pile of hard-learned lessons including how, communication affects this communal beast. We don’t yet have hard-facts as to how, existing in high-tech style replete with the greatest info-deluge ever ~ has affected us, but post-flunking, the proof is in the pudding. So is this deluge, why we didn’t draw on our intuit and wisdom to prevent flunking? Or, did our flunking stem from a pull, running much deeper than the deluge?
Who are We? A Continuum of ~ The Mornings After, November 5th 2024. PG 4
Human life, isn’t anything if not a constant pendulum swing thru one enormous, choice-selection catalog, in each and every conscious moment, each and every day. From mulling over what each day holds; what to wear, eat, drink, think, believe, do, our choices swing from the outer, greenlight go-ahead to chance life, over to the high-caution, flashing yellow. Typically, we then land somewhere in-between those extremes. Who we choose to lead us, I haven’t always liked but have respected, our consensus. The high-caution extreme we just irrationally chose, would not have even been a choice, had we stayed true-to-center, on our core-default. I hammer on this default cuz we really need to sink our teeth into what makes being human so amazingly special, to then consider how, we utilize our jewel today.
Trump’s get out of jail free card, didn’t come cheap. The divide to conquer volatility he unleashed on us, and the outright lies he relentlessly spews, worked it’s magic on just over half of us. Consequently, the other half; like 2.5 million less than half who did do our vigilantly wary due-diligence responsibility, holds no trust or respect for Trump, and never will. This is just one of the many, huge expenses ~ The King of Debt, heaped onto us.
Here's the choice we now face, 2025. We take ownership of what is now a 3rd, 2nd chance time is ripe wakeup call, or, we allow the oh-so predictable ~ backward jerks, Trump worked overtime to implement, do precisely what they do. Make no mistake. Trump used the 101 power-playbook of ploys; from 6000 years of class structure honing ~ cuz they work. Ploys, as timeworn predictable, as the ensuing results. It is, well-noted. Humans come with a firm proclivity to ~ put faith in what we want, to believe. All humans. Fear, became the 1st so most timeworn tap rulers used to get the lowly commoner to conform, but once another mighty tap was realized, rulers used fear and, the mighty hand of the Gods to do their bidding, for whatever belief they peddled. Faith/belief are just words plied onto whatever else drives us, and both mighty taps; fear & belief, were realized a gazillion eons ago! None of this is newly-novel! So for rulers; as divide to conquer is ~ Their Game of Thrones, if no enemy stood pounding down the gate, lies to invent an enemy still worked, so long as the ruler knew how to tap whatever else ~ drives the amazing, human jewel of a machine.
Trump, didn’t cleverly invent, timeworn ploys. Clever, might not even be in his résumé cuz he is, running a has-been show. Hiring clever tacticians to utilize today’s communicado artillery might’ve been his only novel move cuz after all, it did work on today’s educated, free world us. Otherwise, our red/blue camps already provide the perineal, opposing enemy so no need to cleverly invent one. And, no need to cleverly ease no-scruples Trump into lying cuz inventing lies is ~ Trump’s signature move. So with requisite taps fully understood in every power-ploy arena, the blue camp became the enemy to fear, red camp was the catch to ensnare, a’ course lies are the hook-net, and belief is always the sinker which, clever was absent here as well. Every egomaniac ruler ran with the ~ he is their savior belief! The unbelievable, is this dog-n-pony show actually worked on educated us! If a sleaze-job, was the only way Trump could win, that should’ve disturbed the red camp. Why, did it not?
Timeworn jerks, took humanity 2 steps back for every 1 step forward. By the inch, did our ancestors crawl, to finally arrive at Democracy. Free world-us are, fortunate. But, it’s an unsecured fortune, when elitism thrives. Elitism. It jerks us back to where another spin-the-bottle round awaits, for just another round of who ~ gets to thrive while surviving.
How we got into this nightmare, runs deeper than any ideology, any timeworn power ploy, any has-been egomaniac. All of this, is just one cause/effect consideration worth exploring about us because we ~ are at a now or never juncture. We are the mass, who landed the watch to a never-before-experienced, unhuman juncture. We are the ones, who must contend with an unseen, super-smart, 4th partner barreling right at us, and the absolutely only way for us to remain kings of this utterly amazing hill, is for the free world mass; the torchbearers for the future of all humanity, to take our Democracies up to their logical next, forward-ho step now and fast. Like it or not ~ this is the watch detail we landed.
Mojo-Grit. A Continuum of ~ The Morning’s After, November 5th, 2024. PG 5
My morning after gloom has eased, my hopeful optimism is shining thru. Which, hope is another millions-old, DNA perk we come into this world with. Those who live trying to stay centered on our packet of perks, will be those who begin ~ what must begin, cuz naturally, we look for the light at the end of the tunnel. We then pull on our mojo-grit, roll up our sleeves, and get to work building on ~ hopeful potential. That’s really, our only option. Sure, life isn’t always a bowl of cherries but when the pits are all I see, the wisdom of Václav Havel usually reboots my outlook back to center. Hope, isn’t a conviction that things turn out well. Hope, is a conviction to do what’s right, regardless of how things turn out.
January 6th, 2021. The very day, Trump disqualified himself from ever, garnering our trust and respect. All of us. This includes those who stooped to give him the free pass he spent 4 years dividing us to get. Jack Smith and Liz Cheney; 2 at the top of Trump’s retribution list, will likely be some of the first to pay the price for being patriots, just doing their due-diligence job. Trump’s schoolyard bully mentality, in full view. Is this really what MAGA now stands for? This is just a snippet of what’s to come if ~ we don’t pull on real grit, to protect our Democracy, and it’s pillars of trust and integrity. Realize: if Trump can’t sleaze his way to autocrat glory via the judicial/congressional arms, he will pull out the war drum, which is precisely where down spiral waves head, and why Trump fueled it with hate-laced vitriol. War, the surefire way to get immortalized, is ~ Trump’s greatest need of all.
Post November 5th 2024. Here’s what’s now indisputable. Via history, we know a barrage of bombastic untruths worked wonders on uninformed masses. Our sobering lesson is, we now know it works wonders on freer-than-ever, now-educated masses. And, we now know how wondrously, the greatest info-deluge ever concocted, not only submerges our sensibilities, but floats ignorance ~ right to the surface. We all know, that deluge is the primo menace in the nightmare we now have but, I suspect we think it only works wonders on the ignorant, or anyone but us, personally. Well, to look back at our 30-year group shot, we can see its impact developing. Now, we just can’t deny ~ its impact. Seriously, even scholars and experts are ignorant of many things. The proof now in the pudding isn’t about our illiterate/ignorant, but about everyday-us, who either neglected to remember, or needs to learn ~ how things went down in past eras. This is the page ~ all of us, first need to get on.
Those who did our due-diligence job, came in as the minority on November 5th but not by much and that gap will soon shrink simply cuz Trump, made a whole lotta empty promises he can’t keep, and even rational republicans know this. Besides, he’ll chink his veneer off soon enough anyway, and all by himself. Patriotism, applies to homeland nations, and ours is ~ a Democracy. To better appreciate just how precious that is, check-in on the lives of those who still live oppressed. That outta kick gratitude right back into view!
Post New Year, 2025. What we flunked, wasn’t the typical, red/blue tug-n-pull. This time, was all about altruistic vs self-serving elitism. For any mass, altruistic will always be the good choice so this was, a real-live good vs evil round. Evil won, so nightmare is apt. The eventual but guaranteed evil, every Democracy must stand guard against, is the hard truth we get to endure, for the next 4 years. Sure, we should extend the respect our consensus deserves, and had Trump not so blatantly disregard us, country, Democracy, we would! As it stands ~ Trump earned this unparalleled exemption. The guard has changed. Busting out some preemptive moves now, is a helluva lot better than a should’ve, just didn’t.
For any free world individual ~ to qualify as patriotic, Democracy must come first and foremost, above all other roads that lead to Rome cuz Democracy ~ is Rome. Too many, put other roads first. So, we must now move to protect ~ our very Democracy for hells' sake! Everyone; red, blue, purple, otherwise, we’re not all that different! We push forward, or we all get jerked backwards! That’s how life rolls for commoner-us, and no has-been egomaniac is worth tearing ourselves apart over! Err! Now’d be a good time to use a quote, but a song came to mind instead. If we can’t give a little, then we can’t get there from here ~ KWS.
The Next-Step Continuum to ~ The Morning’s After, November 5th, 2024.
Picking Up The Pieces. PG 1 of 4.
The Story of Our Times, began 15 years ago as a mere shoutout to raise the alarm about the nearly-here, unhuman juncture. It is, way past time we get to know who we are, and what being human actually entails, cuz we are far more amazing than I suspect we realize and yet, we’re quickly coming in as 2nd rate dispensable; not just as workers, but as pureform humans too. Then did Trump come along; the other cautionary alarm weaved throughout our entire story. I can’t edit out who Trump is as that negates the whole purpose to even compile ~ Our Story for us! Who Trump is, happens to be a perfect personification on the high-caution, elitism flag that’s reigned all thru ~ The Power Dance of Time! Trump is, the premier bad guy history teaches us to forever remain vigilantly wary of! Now that he’s back, I’ve really had to think hard on the what-if I, land on his retribution list!
Luckily, I chose to use a pseudonym years before ~ the perfect example came along. My figuring for an alias then, was: 1) it cajoled my skittish sidekick-ego who loves to remind me of all that I lack; especially in trying to figure out how to write, then do it, then share it! 2) hoping to stay employed at a place eager to replace workers with job-eliminating machines. 3) feeling strongly and still do, that an alias will provide a wider embrace for everyone to see this is ~ Our Story; not just a mugshot of one. Only now; assuming I finally figure out how to share this, I’ll really be in dire need of an expert hacker to erase all the fingerprints I’ve left behind out in that big www.vastland! Which, brings me to how we, can start picking up the pieces, post November 5th, 2024.
The struggle to bridge our mindset; gripped by what we have just done back to 15 years ago where ~ The Story of Our Times awaits, has taken form in the previous 5, standalone 1-pagers, intended to run consecutively in any receptive outlet I can wiggle thru the doors of. Consecutively, is for daily’s and periodicals. If they run ‘em, great! But, they likely won’t run this last bridging effort cuz word-count restrictions are a thing. This 4-page bridge, is geared for online outlets although, those have restrictions too, and I manage to run smack into every restriction. I'm certifiably, a disseminating failure. But, I can get around Substack okay so I'll send a request to some scholars there; Joyce Vance, Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson, and ask them to dovetail their wisdom onto ~ Our Story. We learn from experts/scholars, and I appreciate their offerings so hopefully, they’ll take me up on my asking and, lend their readership this way. To be their readership, surely means they come with the much-needed perspective to get started with, and I don’t care if they lean blue. That camp, is far more aligned with our core-default than Trump’s camp, which used to be the red camp! Well, both red/blue camps aligned with how we, can thrive to survive; though albeit in their distinct ways, til Trump came along. No telling what’s gonna happen to the republican platform now but Trump, forced many republicans to go blue; not an easy choice for any red/blue loyalist so kudos to them! Although, if many did go blue, that makes the bulky middle look even worse! Jeez! What were we thinking? But since Trump did force a platform shedding, the Centrist platform now has a slice to finally, bust out our own move with dangit! Honestly, if we have learned anything, let it be that a Democracy, must have at least 3 viable choices we can get behind, or we are down to 1 step above none! FYI: viable, means Trump’s no-scruples platform, doesn’t make the qualifier cut here either!
For those still uncertain about why we can’t afford another Trump spin; and anyone not utterly sick of reading Trumpisms, jump to Part XIII Trump Exposé. It puts the close on the exorbitant expenses ~ The King of Debt, has already racked-up. Somebody else, can take their turn at keeping tabs on Trump for us here onward, and! Write the next installment for The Story of Our Times! Yes! Anyway, just come back to the start when done. We need all hands on deck, and I do believe this bridging effort is sufficient enough to put Trumpisms in the rearview for a bit, to begin what must begin. Now, I need to paint myself in.
The Story of Our Times, is written from a middle ground, everyday commoner’s perspective, who happens to be a forever hopeful optimist, who began what refuses to end, when my kids were teens. I now have grandkids. These are important tidbits. I am no scholar by any measure, nothing about this comes easily for me so be sure to cut me some damn slack, and it will always be forever hopeful-us who reach for potential, but what drives any of us to begin what must begin, will always be ~ for the future of our own progeny. So, you can expect this offering to include hope inspired considerations, just don’t expect a scholars hand, mans the pen. And though I’m grateful to be living a modern-day American life, everyday commoner says it all. Just as any, tax-paying, law-abiding, worker-bee commoner, I too, live a full-plate life. This means I not only don’t, have the mula to hire a ghostwriter and publicist to disseminate what I passionately believe can do the trick, I simply don’t have the time to figure out; not only how to write Our Story then do it, but then scrounge up even more time to build a social network base to get it aloft! There’s plenty of reasons why it’s taken me 15 years to get this far but, these are the only valid ones.
The Story of Our Times; the for better or worse reality of who we are and the watch detail we landed, is a starterplate. In total, this offering is a 3-week, read together commitment. Considering winter is a great time to read, that’s not a hard ask. It’s intended to be a gathering place to amass, to then resonate our voice, to then build our very own solution-based center to elevate ~ what the bulk of us can put our weight behind. We can, show how consensus gets built, and all without using sleaze-tactics! And, I’ve done much of the gnarly grumbling for us so we can, respectfully go about our business; the polar opposite of what Trump did with our angst wave after hijacking it. Now fueled by fear, righteousness, anger and hate, those waves only spiral down. Anyone still in-need of those fixes, just come back when you’ve had your fill, and ready to help build ~ an uplifting wave.
The considerations to how, we allowed a bully to jerk us backwards into what’s become so damn timeworn, overshadows all Trumpism’s combined ~ indicating, an insidious canker grows in us, that no civilized society can afford to ignore before civilized, no longer prefaces their society, and that’s with or without an egomaniac on the loose. We, are the force of nature ~ not Trump. He merely saw we were ripe for the pickin’s, and ran with power ploys that are so non-novel now, he truly is running a has-been show. Luckily, history alerts us to how those roll, which brings us to our, vigilantly wary responsibility.
Quickly, we implement some preemptive, just-in-case measures. We must trust our integral-selves, pull on our mojo-grit, and reinforce our societal parameters; the default key for our survival. We must do our due-diligence via integral outlets and while at it, reelevate them which, we should’ve done way back anyway. In that, the fastest way to turn things around, would be to turn off FOX, as there can be no doubt now, over the havoc they alone ~ did create. FOX, boasts a 90% subscribership. If that’s true, the red camp isn’t the only one tuned into their brand of newsyiness so yes, approx 75% of us need to unplug FOX! They have earned, their ICU hemorrhaging turn. We can turn off Trump-anything; state of the union blathering’s and anything else we cleverly think up! January 20th would’ve been a great time to unplug but since I’m still plugging away here; the day after, that rally won't be coming from here. Still. Unplugging Trump needs to happen so hopefully, gangs are already gearing up to just that! Gangs converge! We still need to keep tabs on what Trump is up to, we just make a pact to stay unplugged from FOX and Trump-anything! We can ~ let our non-acceptance absence, speak volumes! Basically, we’d forgo subjecting ourselves to anymore of Trump’s empty promises, overstuffed egoism, outright lies, and we’ll be saner for it.
To our military and law-enforcing brothers and sisters, please keep your oath to serve our nation, in clear view; the land and people. Trump, already proved he’s an embarrassment to the very term ~ commander-in-chief. What Trump’s big fat flagrant lie fomented, what he did zilch to stop but gleefully watched unfold for 2 hours before ordering up the National Guard, became one inglorious stain on our country. A thoroughly exhaustive and expensive investigation then followed; which we all got to pay for, and found no evidence ~ the election was stolen. This Trump expense alone, dropped us from our top tier spot on the world scale of Democracies, right down to the 41st spot. America; the very beacon of Democracy, now resides between Cuba and Bulgaria. Yeah, I’m just a commoner but still, I know integrity comes fused right into what patriotic ~ actually means.
There’s no need for patriotic-us, to ever believe what Trump spews, no need to be surprised when he keeps lying. Trump loves to rewrite history, and will keep to his big fat lie. Well, the whole world knows how the sordid day of January 6th, 2021 ~ really went down. As I type this, he’s rewriting why California is on fire; say’s its Biden and Newsom’s fault. Anybody who doesn’t fall for his cape, is always at fault. That’s par, for this no-commander. Meantime, our commander-in-chief is busy curtailing devastation, dispatching thousands of firefighters, providing whatever is needed. Canada and Mexico are also helping. Thank you! Everyone is helping. Everyone, but Trump.
As genuine patriots, we must still hold the oval office chair in our highest esteem. We can refer to the chair; the oath it represents, but respectfully decline to utter the squatter’s name. He’ll be so overstuffed with himself by the time he plops into that chair, he’ll probably replace that chair with a gold-plated throne anyway. I’m not being too, overtly glib. He’s the one already referring to his Mar-a-Largo as ~ the epicenter of the world. Ick. In the real world, nobody wants to hang with the self-obsessed! Someone who believes they’re superior to all others, someone who constantly fawns over themselves, does scream ick!
Me, Picking Up My Pieces.
The mornings after November 5th, sapped whatever fumes I’d been running on leading up to that day. Then, the holidays hit before I knew it. So, the first 1/3rd to the 1st half of this flock; including this 2-month bridging effort, are currently being posted just days after, the woefully sorry inauguration. With luck, I’ll have the whole flock of 17 posted by March. Meanwhile, I’ll try to share this. Anyone who stumbles onto this during my lag spans, gives you lag time to amass your own reading groups and what must begin, begins. The 2nd half of this flock though, is still in a disarray and I need to whine about how ~ that happened.
When I purged the old forum from a bot invasion; maybe 8 years ago now, I managed to purge all participants. That blow, was basically the last straw. I closed shop, and didn’t bother to even check-in on this website, for the next 4 years. Finally, some fortitude returned in 2020, so I hired a techie to rebuild ~ Our Story’s home. Meantime, I resumed writing, updating, and doing the endless editing that comes with what refuses to end. Well, time does fly! The fall of 2023, flew in before I knew it. But, I didn't feel pressed to push for the typical spring deadline cuz I was just certain, we’d deny Trump another spin, and figured the best time to try yet again to get this aloft, would be after we denied him ~ yet again. Then came 2024. Polls had us in a neck-n-neck race. A foreboding, began to rise. Atop Trump’s no-integrity actualities, he now faced a slew of felony charges, yet neck-n-neck still held. My hopeful certainty, now churning with an ever-rising foreboding, turned into a nonstop, up-down roiling. Indeed. Have mercy on a man, who doubts what he’s sure of~ BS.
After giving myself a huge peptalk, I determined to hatch one last fledgling, expressly for unsure voters; Part XIII, before summer hit. But, summer raced in I swear, and brought with it, one tumultuous, personal, rollercoaster ride. By September; still rollercoastering but also frazzled and frantic cuz Part XIII should’ve been posted way before summer, I was finally ready to. I came to click on this website; after a 3-year neglect this time, only to find, it had long expired. It was gone; nowhere to be found. I’ve tried finding the right words to express how my already, plum curdled, foreboding, frazzled and frantic rollercoaster gut suddenly then ~ actually felt like. All I know is that somehow I survived, and these are the words I did find.
For 15 years, all my disseminating efforts failed. My most recent failure, was merely a rerun. Frantic though, had me shredding apart any fledgling located anywhere near the Trump Exposé insert. But, that’s also a rerun. A huge unraveling occurred, every damn time I inserted a hatchling into the lineup! There. I’m done whining. Though I do feel better, the need to whine is cuz when I got to here, I wanted to clearly paint in the value of wakeup calls, and since my 2024 trauma is still fairly raw, that’s the example I decided to go with!
Wakeup calls, enflame passion. That’s their value. We need lit. Everyone, needs to pull on their grit. Grit, is passion-enflamed enough to actually get us to bust a move out! So we wean ourselves from the sensationalism ploys Trump used, and create our own, uplifting mojo. I chose music. It was a no-brainer. Music does indeed move us and we need to get a move-on. In Part XIII, I penned a few ideas to help prime the 'ole imagination so everyone, can think on what moves we each can provide. We can be ~ captivating, and sleaze sensationalism, isn't the only undercurrent that captivates. We then roll up our sleeves and begin, what must begin. Somebody's gotta shake things up, somebody's gotta shut things down, it may as well be us~ BO. Realize ~ we, don’t deserve a chance to take our Democracy up to its logical next, forward-ho step if we, keep expecting somebody else; a faceless government or a superman, to do it for us! We, are the only somebody's that can do this! As for this soldier of 1, not only does my social-networking/disseminating ineptness ensure near failure ~ we, must seize this extraordinary opportunity! Every free world mass we! If we won’t, we prove that Democracy maybe isn’t, the best forward-ho option. Forward or backwards. Nothing, remains stagnant for long ~ including waning Democracies.
The complexities of being equipped with emotions and conscious-realized awareness, is a mouthful meaning, and gets thoroughly explored in Our Story. All topics, will be familiar to who this stands a chance to first attract, so it’s akin to preaching to the choir. But, it’s a new day. The great mass literally is, drowning in the most epic info-deluge of all time so all of us, must be become the choir cuz everyone, must clearly understand why we must take Trump’s retribution vows seriously, and his assurance to his loyalists ~ they won’t ever need to vote again now! Trump is, banking on us to falter! We must not falter anymore! We are now out of 2nd chances! Seriously, how many chances do we require before we’ll seize our own damn, wide open window and start tugging our Democracy onward? What’s so utterly dismal about a silent, idle bulk is also well-patterned and why we did end up in such a nightmare of a mess! The great Italian philosopher Danté, spoke of us and that was way back in the 13th century! "In dangerous times, there is no sin—greater than inaction.”
I write with prevention in mind, and our progeny’s future is — square in my sights. We are clever, smart, capable, but we must trust and believe in ourselves. I will earn your trust, but you’ll need to first extend it. Considering trust comes real cheap nowadays, this shouldn’t be a hard ask either! Honestly, a handful of social-networking wizards, can begin in minutes, what used to take years. What has, taken me years! To begin what must begin, is to participate in what we could ~ next write. Engage.
All 5 remaining religions, ascribe to our communal, good-for-all, shared-valued system for survival; the base-core default all surviving communal beasts ascribed to. From there, each communal species worked out their socially accepted parameters. Here’s a glimpse to the parameters our species worked out ~ making us who we are today.
Do not lie, steal, cheat, do unto others as we’d want done unto us, be respectful, are what we instill in our kids, and hope to find in friends, neighbors, coworkers. Parameters, learned in preparation of qualifying for adulthood by the time it arrives. A mere birthdate, isn’t the qualifier. Trust, is then built from our given word and actions of who we say we are, and integrity becomes the overall summary of ~ who we really are. So from these most basic building blocks, trust and integrity became the pillars we build to define ourselves; the very pillars Democracy was erected upon. Such time-tested parameter standards, fit each member into the contributing whole ~ for our species to peacefully coexist. By the time we embark on adulthood, most of us have incurred the few lessons needed as to why, we want to commit our lives guided by what’s bundled-up as ~ common decent integrity. We learn that to trade it off, comes with gut punches and sleepless nights. Upon breaching our 30’s, most have worked thru who it is we want to be, and conclude that we won’t so we don’t, go thru life guided by anything less. Sure, some kids don’t have parents who actually parent so their learning of these foundational building blocks is slight and results in a low-caliber of integrity. Otherwise, adults either live guided by integrity ~ or don’t. How to spot a bad guy then, isn’t all that hard to do when a lack of integrity, is so very obvious.
Our majority, make the effort to qualify for our acceptable, societal parameters by adulthood. This most basic ~ common decency packet of standards, became the guiding beacon for all humanity, tugging us towards an evermore, peaceful existence. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here. Period. Next comes the 6000-year-old elitism lesson; now engrained enough to at least feel, why innate wariness must not be dismissed. Next, Democracy. The only ruling system that aligns with our shared-valued, survival-default. This foremost trio of guidepost lessons; presented in the most obvious, good vs evil contrast any mass could hope for, is what now-educated, freer-us, just flunked. Yep. Royal fashion is apt.
For 6000 years, divide to conquer became the card every need-driven egomaniac played simply cuz the very nature of any egomaniac, is driven by an insatiable need for evermore, self-glory power. Divide to conquer; via fear, merely became the easiest way to achieve that. A ploy so damn timeworn, it’s not newly-novel, so neither is Trump. In fact, Trump waved his own, divide to conquer red flags when: he vowed to be a dictator on day 1, and exact retribution on anyone who didn’t fall for his cape. When he vowed to exonerate his radicalized minions; and a’ course himself, for the insurrection he fomented over his big lie. When he assured the red camp they needn’t concern themselves with voting ever again: once they empower him yet again. All red flags; all atop our DNA survival-default and the 6000-year engrained wariness perk, narrows the scope right down to us. In the freer existing bargain, it is our responsibility to remain vigilantly wary, do our due-diligence, take what any contender spews out ~ seriously. Way too many of us, did not. This says a whole lot more about now-educated, freer-us, then any has-been egomaniac. So, is our new societal acceptance flex-plan, being afforded to everyone, or just the one member who never even bothered to bag the qualifiers for adulthood? Either way, we set a precedent that no peaceful society can afford for long before peaceful, no longer prefaces their society, and that is fact.
Dance Partners began with the subtitle—The Power Dance of Time; the parlay of 3 partners, for at least 6000 years: Gods, rulers, us ~ the great mass. The subtitle then became The Story of Our Times, once I realized it’s the great mass, who actually writes how their jig goes down. Choosing Trump to be thee representative of us, is what we chose to write in the annals of history to define who we are today, and what measure of grit, we now have.
Hijacking 101. A Continuum of ~ The Mornings After, November 5th, 2024. PG 3
Upon awakening, I smile at the new day rising, and what it holds for me. As cobwebs clear, what we have just done ~ descends; my rose-colored awakenings, snuffed out before I even roll out, now clouded by a screw-it mindset. I’ll spiff these 17 fledglings up alright, send ‘em off to editor/printer and finally, be done with this offering once and for all dangit! So I did. I tried. Made it all the way into Part II, then threw my hands in the air.
Realizing such rude awakenings had to be the new norm for many of us, I saw it was futile to think we could make the jump back to 15 years ago; where Our Story awaits, with mindsets gripped by our current, nightmare actuality. Today is New Years, 2025. I am still, struggling my way to bridge this jump. But of those first morning’s after, I saw where MSNBC went straight into ICU hemorrhaging, which means our blue camp brothers and sisters, went straight into shutdown mode; the last place we need to land and yes, brothers and sisters. We all have family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, firmly ensconced in the opposing camp of our own. As for our red camp kin, their elation will eventually subside once they accept that Trump, has no cape. And, their genuine Christians will need to eventually, reconcile with moving outside of the all-inclusive footsteps, Jesus left for us all to follow ~ including them. This leaves the rest of us, not yet accounted for.
Consensus-building is — Democracy. America’s, is comprised of approx 25%, diehard democrat/republicans respectively, leaving the 50% rest of us, either on the outer or inner constraints, of these just-2 camps. Luckily, our overwhelming bulk remains on the inner, pivotal, fence-perched lookout; including me, so if we must point a finger at who’s to blame for this nightmare, it’d be us. Well, nobody gets a crystal ball so nobody gets it right all the time and those who think they do, have bigger problems than the rest of us. Rather, our just-2 lead, has been historically viable because, they’ve had years to hone their platforms, years to cultivate the healthy, 25% red/blue measure. This provides the rest of us the clear, either/or contrast view to think hard on, while attending to our vigilantly wary, due-diligence responsibility. Why too many of us swung too far, is the real question as it encases the hard lessons ~ and hard truths, all of us must now and quickly, acknowledge, remember, or learn.
When any mass angst, rises enough to become an evident wave, it opens up a time is ripe, window of opportunity. Our 2010 recession provided us that opportunity but, we didn’t seize it. So when Trump hit stage-center in 2015, he merely hijacked it, and took it for a down-spiral spin. Trump, then provided us a 2nd chance wakeup call in 2020 which we didn’t flunk, and I thought yippie! We’ll muster up some grit now, move outta stalled and finally! Tug our Democracy up to its logical next, forward-ho step! But, something changed.
Communication, is everything to communal beasts cuz that’s how societal parameters get altered for survival. In that, comes choice-selecting which, for the one beast armed with emotions and consciously-realized awareness ~ how we tick, and how we survive, gets real complex! But from the immeasurable value of comparison to our choice-selecting ways, we: gained the perk to develop wisdom, which brought about Democracy; which expanded across vast lands via communication, which realigned our species back to our millenniums perfected, true-to-center default, which is where wisdom stems from, and why part of our globe is now called ~ the free world! How’s that for a full-circle condensing! Well, that realignment was a real lifesaver for the inconsequential oxen; the commoner meant to survive ~ never thrive, thru 6000 years of class structure elitism. So with this 250 year old realignment now under our belt, it should’ve been a no-brainer to choose anyone but Trump, once he chose to run the divide to conquer ploy: an auto-disqualifier, within any Democracy.
History, provides a huge pile of hard-learned lessons including how, communication affects this communal beast. We don’t yet have hard-facts as to how, existing in high-tech style replete with the greatest info-deluge ever ~ has affected us, but post-flunking, the proof is in the pudding. So is this deluge, why we didn’t draw on our intuit and wisdom to prevent flunking? Or, did our flunking stem from a pull, running much deeper than the deluge?
Who are We? A Continuum of ~ The Mornings After, November 5th 2024. PG 4
Human life, isn’t anything if not a constant pendulum swing thru one enormous, choice-selection catalog, in each and every conscious moment, each and every day. From mulling over what each day holds; what to wear, eat, drink, think, believe, do, our choices swing from the outer, greenlight go-ahead to chance life, over to the high-caution, flashing yellow. Typically, we then land somewhere in-between those extremes. Who we choose to lead us, I haven’t always liked but have respected, our consensus. The high-caution extreme we just irrationally chose, would not have even been a choice, had we stayed true-to-center, on our core-default. I hammer on this default cuz we really need to sink our teeth into what makes being human so amazingly special, to then consider how, we utilize our jewel today.
Trump’s get out of jail free card, didn’t come cheap. The divide to conquer volatility he unleashed on us, and the outright lies he relentlessly spews, worked it’s magic on just over half of us. Consequently, the other half; like 2.5 million less than half who did do our vigilantly wary due-diligence responsibility, holds no trust or respect for Trump, and never will. This is just one of the many, huge expenses ~ The King of Debt, heaped onto us.
Here's the choice we now face, 2025. We take ownership of what is now a 3rd, 2nd chance time is ripe wakeup call, or, we allow the oh-so predictable ~ backward jerks, Trump worked overtime to implement, do precisely what they do. Make no mistake. Trump used the 101 power-playbook of ploys; from 6000 years of class structure honing ~ cuz they work. Ploys, as timeworn predictable, as the ensuing results. It is, well-noted. Humans come with a firm proclivity to ~ put faith in what we want, to believe. All humans. Fear, became the 1st so most timeworn tap rulers used to get the lowly commoner to conform, but once another mighty tap was realized, rulers used fear and, the mighty hand of the Gods to do their bidding, for whatever belief they peddled. Faith/belief are just words plied onto whatever else drives us, and both mighty taps; fear & belief, were realized a gazillion eons ago! None of this is newly-novel! So for rulers; as divide to conquer is ~ Their Game of Thrones, if no enemy stood pounding down the gate, lies to invent an enemy still worked, so long as the ruler knew how to tap whatever else ~ drives the amazing, human jewel of a machine.
Trump, didn’t cleverly invent, timeworn ploys. Clever, might not even be in his résumé cuz he is, running a has-been show. Hiring clever tacticians to utilize today’s communicado artillery might’ve been his only novel move cuz after all, it did work on today’s educated, free world us. Otherwise, our red/blue camps already provide the perineal, opposing enemy so no need to cleverly invent one. And, no need to cleverly ease no-scruples Trump into lying cuz inventing lies is ~ Trump’s signature move. So with requisite taps fully understood in every power-ploy arena, the blue camp became the enemy to fear, red camp was the catch to ensnare, a’ course lies are the hook-net, and belief is always the sinker which, clever was absent here as well. Every egomaniac ruler ran with the ~ he is their savior belief! The unbelievable, is this dog-n-pony show actually worked on educated us! If a sleaze-job, was the only way Trump could win, that should’ve disturbed the red camp. Why, did it not?
Timeworn jerks, took humanity 2 steps back for every 1 step forward. By the inch, did our ancestors crawl, to finally arrive at Democracy. Free world-us are, fortunate. But, it’s an unsecured fortune, when elitism thrives. Elitism. It jerks us back to where another spin-the-bottle round awaits, for just another round of who ~ gets to thrive while surviving.
How we got into this nightmare, runs deeper than any ideology, any timeworn power ploy, any has-been egomaniac. All of this, is just one cause/effect consideration worth exploring about us because we ~ are at a now or never juncture. We are the mass, who landed the watch to a never-before-experienced, unhuman juncture. We are the ones, who must contend with an unseen, super-smart, 4th partner barreling right at us, and the absolutely only way for us to remain kings of this utterly amazing hill, is for the free world mass; the torchbearers for the future of all humanity, to take our Democracies up to their logical next, forward-ho step now and fast. Like it or not ~ this is the watch detail we landed.
Mojo-Grit. A Continuum of ~ The Morning’s After, November 5th, 2024. PG 5
My morning after gloom has eased, my hopeful optimism is shining thru. Which, hope is another millions-old, DNA perk we come into this world with. Those who live trying to stay centered on our packet of perks, will be those who begin ~ what must begin, cuz naturally, we look for the light at the end of the tunnel. We then pull on our mojo-grit, roll up our sleeves, and get to work building on ~ hopeful potential. That’s really, our only option. Sure, life isn’t always a bowl of cherries but when the pits are all I see, the wisdom of Václav Havel usually reboots my outlook back to center. Hope, isn’t a conviction that things turn out well. Hope, is a conviction to do what’s right, regardless of how things turn out.
January 6th, 2021. The very day, Trump disqualified himself from ever, garnering our trust and respect. All of us. This includes those who stooped to give him the free pass he spent 4 years dividing us to get. Jack Smith and Liz Cheney; 2 at the top of Trump’s retribution list, will likely be some of the first to pay the price for being patriots, just doing their due-diligence job. Trump’s schoolyard bully mentality, in full view. Is this really what MAGA now stands for? This is just a snippet of what’s to come if ~ we don’t pull on real grit, to protect our Democracy, and it’s pillars of trust and integrity. Realize: if Trump can’t sleaze his way to autocrat glory via the judicial/congressional arms, he will pull out the war drum, which is precisely where down spiral waves head, and why Trump fueled it with hate-laced vitriol. War, the surefire way to get immortalized, is ~ Trump’s greatest need of all.
Post November 5th 2024. Here’s what’s now indisputable. Via history, we know a barrage of bombastic untruths worked wonders on uninformed masses. Our sobering lesson is, we now know it works wonders on freer-than-ever, now-educated masses. And, we now know how wondrously, the greatest info-deluge ever concocted, not only submerges our sensibilities, but floats ignorance ~ right to the surface. We all know, that deluge is the primo menace in the nightmare we now have but, I suspect we think it only works wonders on the ignorant, or anyone but us, personally. Well, to look back at our 30-year group shot, we can see its impact developing. Now, we just can’t deny ~ its impact. Seriously, even scholars and experts are ignorant of many things. The proof now in the pudding isn’t about our illiterate/ignorant, but about everyday-us, who either neglected to remember, or needs to learn ~ how things went down in past eras. This is the page ~ all of us, first need to get on.
Those who did our due-diligence job, came in as the minority on November 5th but not by much and that gap will soon shrink simply cuz Trump, made a whole lotta empty promises he can’t keep, and even rational republicans know this. Besides, he’ll chink his veneer off soon enough anyway, and all by himself. Patriotism, applies to homeland nations, and ours is ~ a Democracy. To better appreciate just how precious that is, check-in on the lives of those who still live oppressed. That outta kick gratitude right back into view!
Post New Year, 2025. What we flunked, wasn’t the typical, red/blue tug-n-pull. This time, was all about altruistic vs self-serving elitism. For any mass, altruistic will always be the good choice so this was, a real-live good vs evil round. Evil won, so nightmare is apt. The eventual but guaranteed evil, every Democracy must stand guard against, is the hard truth we get to endure, for the next 4 years. Sure, we should extend the respect our consensus deserves, and had Trump not so blatantly disregard us, country, Democracy, we would! As it stands ~ Trump earned this unparalleled exemption. The guard has changed. Busting out some preemptive moves now, is a helluva lot better than a should’ve, just didn’t.
For any free world individual ~ to qualify as patriotic, Democracy must come first and foremost, above all other roads that lead to Rome cuz Democracy ~ is Rome. Too many, put other roads first. So, we must now move to protect ~ our very Democracy for hells' sake! Everyone; red, blue, purple, otherwise, we’re not all that different! We push forward, or we all get jerked backwards! That’s how life rolls for commoner-us, and no has-been egomaniac is worth tearing ourselves apart over! Err! Now’d be a good time to use a quote, but a song came to mind instead. If we can’t give a little, then we can’t get there from here ~ KWS.
The Next-Step Continuum to ~ The Morning’s After, November 5th, 2024.
Picking Up The Pieces. PG 1 of 4.
The Story of Our Times, began 15 years ago as a mere shoutout to raise the alarm about the nearly-here, unhuman juncture. It is, way past time we get to know who we are, and what being human actually entails, cuz we are far more amazing than I suspect we realize and yet, we’re quickly coming in as 2nd rate dispensable; not just as workers, but as pureform humans too. Then did Trump come along; the other cautionary alarm weaved throughout our entire story. I can’t edit out who Trump is as that negates the whole purpose to even compile ~ Our Story for us! Who Trump is, happens to be a perfect personification on the high-caution, elitism flag that’s reigned all thru ~ The Power Dance of Time! Trump is, the premier bad guy history teaches us to forever remain vigilantly wary of! Now that he’s back, I’ve really had to think hard on the what-if I, land on his retribution list!
Luckily, I chose to use a pseudonym years before ~ the perfect example came along. My figuring for an alias then, was: 1) it cajoled my skittish sidekick-ego who loves to remind me of all that I lack; especially in trying to figure out how to write, then do it, then share it! 2) hoping to stay employed at a place eager to replace workers with job-eliminating machines. 3) feeling strongly and still do, that an alias will provide a wider embrace for everyone to see this is ~ Our Story; not just a mugshot of one. Only now; assuming I finally figure out how to share this, I’ll really be in dire need of an expert hacker to erase all the fingerprints I’ve left behind out in that big www.vastland! Which, brings me to how we, can start picking up the pieces, post November 5th, 2024.
The struggle to bridge our mindset; gripped by what we have just done back to 15 years ago where ~ The Story of Our Times awaits, has taken form in the previous 5, standalone 1-pagers, intended to run consecutively in any receptive outlet I can wiggle thru the doors of. Consecutively, is for daily’s and periodicals. If they run ‘em, great! But, they likely won’t run this last bridging effort cuz word-count restrictions are a thing. This 4-page bridge, is geared for online outlets although, those have restrictions too, and I manage to run smack into every restriction. I'm certifiably, a disseminating failure. But, I can get around Substack okay so I'll send a request to some scholars there; Joyce Vance, Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson, and ask them to dovetail their wisdom onto ~ Our Story. We learn from experts/scholars, and I appreciate their offerings so hopefully, they’ll take me up on my asking and, lend their readership this way. To be their readership, surely means they come with the much-needed perspective to get started with, and I don’t care if they lean blue. That camp, is far more aligned with our core-default than Trump’s camp, which used to be the red camp! Well, both red/blue camps aligned with how we, can thrive to survive; though albeit in their distinct ways, til Trump came along. No telling what’s gonna happen to the republican platform now but Trump, forced many republicans to go blue; not an easy choice for any red/blue loyalist so kudos to them! Although, if many did go blue, that makes the bulky middle look even worse! Jeez! What were we thinking? But since Trump did force a platform shedding, the Centrist platform now has a slice to finally, bust out our own move with dangit! Honestly, if we have learned anything, let it be that a Democracy, must have at least 3 viable choices we can get behind, or we are down to 1 step above none! FYI: viable, means Trump’s no-scruples platform, doesn’t make the qualifier cut here either!
For those still uncertain about why we can’t afford another Trump spin; and anyone not utterly sick of reading Trumpisms, jump to Part XIII Trump Exposé. It puts the close on the exorbitant expenses ~ The King of Debt, has already racked-up. Somebody else, can take their turn at keeping tabs on Trump for us here onward, and! Write the next installment for The Story of Our Times! Yes! Anyway, just come back to the start when done. We need all hands on deck, and I do believe this bridging effort is sufficient enough to put Trumpisms in the rearview for a bit, to begin what must begin. Now, I need to paint myself in.
The Story of Our Times, is written from a middle ground, everyday commoner’s perspective, who happens to be a forever hopeful optimist, who began what refuses to end, when my kids were teens. I now have grandkids. These are important tidbits. I am no scholar by any measure, nothing about this comes easily for me so be sure to cut me some damn slack, and it will always be forever hopeful-us who reach for potential, but what drives any of us to begin what must begin, will always be ~ for the future of our own progeny. So, you can expect this offering to include hope inspired considerations, just don’t expect a scholars hand, mans the pen. And though I’m grateful to be living a modern-day American life, everyday commoner says it all. Just as any, tax-paying, law-abiding, worker-bee commoner, I too, live a full-plate life. This means I not only don’t, have the mula to hire a ghostwriter and publicist to disseminate what I passionately believe can do the trick, I simply don’t have the time to figure out; not only how to write Our Story then do it, but then scrounge up even more time to build a social network base to get it aloft! There’s plenty of reasons why it’s taken me 15 years to get this far but, these are the only valid ones.
The Story of Our Times; the for better or worse reality of who we are and the watch detail we landed, is a starterplate. In total, this offering is a 3-week, read together commitment. Considering winter is a great time to read, that’s not a hard ask. It’s intended to be a gathering place to amass, to then resonate our voice, to then build our very own solution-based center to elevate ~ what the bulk of us can put our weight behind. We can, show how consensus gets built, and all without using sleaze-tactics! And, I’ve done much of the gnarly grumbling for us so we can, respectfully go about our business; the polar opposite of what Trump did with our angst wave after hijacking it. Now fueled by fear, righteousness, anger and hate, those waves only spiral down. Anyone still in-need of those fixes, just come back when you’ve had your fill, and ready to help build ~ an uplifting wave.
The considerations to how, we allowed a bully to jerk us backwards into what’s become so damn timeworn, overshadows all Trumpism’s combined ~ indicating, an insidious canker grows in us, that no civilized society can afford to ignore before civilized, no longer prefaces their society, and that’s with or without an egomaniac on the loose. We, are the force of nature ~ not Trump. He merely saw we were ripe for the pickin’s, and ran with power ploys that are so non-novel now, he truly is running a has-been show. Luckily, history alerts us to how those roll, which brings us to our, vigilantly wary responsibility.
Quickly, we implement some preemptive, just-in-case measures. We must trust our integral-selves, pull on our mojo-grit, and reinforce our societal parameters; the default key for our survival. We must do our due-diligence via integral outlets and while at it, reelevate them which, we should’ve done way back anyway. In that, the fastest way to turn things around, would be to turn off FOX, as there can be no doubt now, over the havoc they alone ~ did create. FOX, boasts a 90% subscribership. If that’s true, the red camp isn’t the only one tuned into their brand of newsyiness so yes, approx 75% of us need to unplug FOX! They have earned, their ICU hemorrhaging turn. We can turn off Trump-anything; state of the union blathering’s and anything else we cleverly think up! January 20th would’ve been a great time to unplug but since I’m still plugging away here; the day after, that rally won't be coming from here. Still. Unplugging Trump needs to happen so hopefully, gangs are already gearing up to just that! Gangs converge! We still need to keep tabs on what Trump is up to, we just make a pact to stay unplugged from FOX and Trump-anything! We can ~ let our non-acceptance absence, speak volumes! Basically, we’d forgo subjecting ourselves to anymore of Trump’s empty promises, overstuffed egoism, outright lies, and we’ll be saner for it.
To our military and law-enforcing brothers and sisters, please keep your oath to serve our nation, in clear view; the land and people. Trump, already proved he’s an embarrassment to the very term ~ commander-in-chief. What Trump’s big fat flagrant lie fomented, what he did zilch to stop but gleefully watched unfold for 2 hours before ordering up the National Guard, became one inglorious stain on our country. A thoroughly exhaustive and expensive investigation then followed; which we all got to pay for, and found no evidence ~ the election was stolen. This Trump expense alone, dropped us from our top tier spot on the world scale of Democracies, right down to the 41st spot. America; the very beacon of Democracy, now resides between Cuba and Bulgaria. Yeah, I’m just a commoner but still, I know integrity comes fused right into what patriotic ~ actually means.
There’s no need for patriotic-us, to ever believe what Trump spews, no need to be surprised when he keeps lying. Trump loves to rewrite history, and will keep to his big fat lie. Well, the whole world knows how the sordid day of January 6th, 2021 ~ really went down. As I type this, he’s rewriting why California is on fire; say’s its Biden and Newsom’s fault. Anybody who doesn’t fall for his cape, is always at fault. That’s par, for this no-commander. Meantime, our commander-in-chief is busy curtailing devastation, dispatching thousands of firefighters, providing whatever is needed. Canada and Mexico are also helping. Thank you! Everyone is helping. Everyone, but Trump.
As genuine patriots, we must still hold the oval office chair in our highest esteem. We can refer to the chair; the oath it represents, but respectfully decline to utter the squatter’s name. He’ll be so overstuffed with himself by the time he plops into that chair, he’ll probably replace that chair with a gold-plated throne anyway. I’m not being too, overtly glib. He’s the one already referring to his Mar-a-Largo as ~ the epicenter of the world. Ick. In the real world, nobody wants to hang with the self-obsessed! Someone who believes they’re superior to all others, someone who constantly fawns over themselves, does scream ick!
Me, Picking Up My Pieces.
The mornings after November 5th, sapped whatever fumes I’d been running on leading up to that day. Then, the holidays hit before I knew it. So, the first 1/3rd to the 1st half of this flock; including this 2-month bridging effort, are currently being posted just days after, the woefully sorry inauguration. With luck, I’ll have the whole flock of 17 posted by March. Meanwhile, I’ll try to share this. Anyone who stumbles onto this during my lag spans, gives you lag time to amass your own reading groups and what must begin, begins. The 2nd half of this flock though, is still in a disarray and I need to whine about how ~ that happened.
When I purged the old forum from a bot invasion; maybe 8 years ago now, I managed to purge all participants. That blow, was basically the last straw. I closed shop, and didn’t bother to even check-in on this website, for the next 4 years. Finally, some fortitude returned in 2020, so I hired a techie to rebuild ~ Our Story’s home. Meantime, I resumed writing, updating, and doing the endless editing that comes with what refuses to end. Well, time does fly! The fall of 2023, flew in before I knew it. But, I didn't feel pressed to push for the typical spring deadline cuz I was just certain, we’d deny Trump another spin, and figured the best time to try yet again to get this aloft, would be after we denied him ~ yet again. Then came 2024. Polls had us in a neck-n-neck race. A foreboding, began to rise. Atop Trump’s no-integrity actualities, he now faced a slew of felony charges, yet neck-n-neck still held. My hopeful certainty, now churning with an ever-rising foreboding, turned into a nonstop, up-down roiling. Indeed. Have mercy on a man, who doubts what he’s sure of~ BS.
After giving myself a huge peptalk, I determined to hatch one last fledgling, expressly for unsure voters; Part XIII, before summer hit. But, summer raced in I swear, and brought with it, one tumultuous, personal, rollercoaster ride. By September; still rollercoastering but also frazzled and frantic cuz Part XIII should’ve been posted way before summer, I was finally ready to. I came to click on this website; after a 3-year neglect this time, only to find, it had long expired. It was gone; nowhere to be found. I’ve tried finding the right words to express how my already, plum curdled, foreboding, frazzled and frantic rollercoaster gut suddenly then ~ actually felt like. All I know is that somehow I survived, and these are the words I did find.
For 15 years, all my disseminating efforts failed. My most recent failure, was merely a rerun. Frantic though, had me shredding apart any fledgling located anywhere near the Trump Exposé insert. But, that’s also a rerun. A huge unraveling occurred, every damn time I inserted a hatchling into the lineup! There. I’m done whining. Though I do feel better, the need to whine is cuz when I got to here, I wanted to clearly paint in the value of wakeup calls, and since my 2024 trauma is still fairly raw, that’s the example I decided to go with!
Wakeup calls, enflame passion. That’s their value. We need lit. Everyone, needs to pull on their grit. Grit, is passion-enflamed enough to actually get us to bust a move out! So we wean ourselves from the sensationalism ploys Trump used, and create our own, uplifting mojo. I chose music. It was a no-brainer. Music does indeed move us and we need to get a move-on. In Part XIII, I penned a few ideas to help prime the 'ole imagination so everyone, can think on what moves we each can provide. We can be ~ captivating, and sleaze sensationalism, isn't the only undercurrent that captivates. We then roll up our sleeves and begin, what must begin. Somebody's gotta shake things up, somebody's gotta shut things down, it may as well be us~ BO. Realize ~ we, don’t deserve a chance to take our Democracy up to its logical next, forward-ho step if we, keep expecting somebody else; a faceless government or a superman, to do it for us! We, are the only somebody's that can do this! As for this soldier of 1, not only does my social-networking/disseminating ineptness ensure near failure ~ we, must seize this extraordinary opportunity! Every free world mass we! If we won’t, we prove that Democracy maybe isn’t, the best forward-ho option. Forward or backwards. Nothing, remains stagnant for long ~ including waning Democracies.
The complexities of being equipped with emotions and conscious-realized awareness, is a mouthful meaning, and gets thoroughly explored in Our Story. All topics, will be familiar to who this stands a chance to first attract, so it’s akin to preaching to the choir. But, it’s a new day. The great mass literally is, drowning in the most epic info-deluge of all time so all of us, must be become the choir cuz everyone, must clearly understand why we must take Trump’s retribution vows seriously, and his assurance to his loyalists ~ they won’t ever need to vote again now! Trump is, banking on us to falter! We must not falter anymore! We are now out of 2nd chances! Seriously, how many chances do we require before we’ll seize our own damn, wide open window and start tugging our Democracy onward? What’s so utterly dismal about a silent, idle bulk is also well-patterned and why we did end up in such a nightmare of a mess! The great Italian philosopher Danté, spoke of us and that was way back in the 13th century! "In dangerous times, there is no sin—greater than inaction.”
I write with prevention in mind, and our progeny’s future is — square in my sights. We are clever, smart, capable, but we must trust and believe in ourselves. I will earn your trust, but you’ll need to first extend it. Considering trust comes real cheap nowadays, this shouldn’t be a hard ask either! Honestly, a handful of social-networking wizards, can begin in minutes, what used to take years. What has, taken me years! To begin what must begin, is to participate in what we could ~ next write. Engage.